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  • Clip Tool For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2021. 5. 31. 07:33

    You can take a screenshot on your Mac to capture what's on the display. Screenshotting your Mac's screen is easy and can be helpful for a number of reasons, from documenting an error to quickly sharing something you see.

    Once you've made the screengrab or screenshot, you can email it with any email program you have installed on your computer. Simply attach the captured image as a file attachment in the message.

    Clipper 1.0 - Tiny clipboard history app. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update Clipper for Mac from MacUpdate. Mac Tools first objective is to lead the industry through product innovation, world-class service, integrity, and being Great to Work With™. Mac Tools introduces new tools for emerging technologies faced by mechanics in the field. A free and intuitive web app to help you memorize default Pro Tools 10 keyboard shortcuts. For Mac and PC.

    How to Capture the Whole Screen

    Best Snipping Tool for Mac If you want a snipping tool packed with additional features, download Skitch, from the creators of Evernote. Skitch is a free snipping tool app for Macs that also allows you to easily draw arrows, boxes, add text, resize the image, and much more. Today’s post was written by Avneesh Kohli, program manager on the OneNote team. Today, we’re introducing OneNote Clipper 2.0–a major update that offers enhancements for capturing web content into OneNote and enriching that content to make it more useful. The OneNote Clipper is the easiest way to save anything from the web to OneNote. 5 Easy Mac Screen Capture Tools For Perfect Screenshots Several years ago (back when I was still a PC-user), I saw a friend take a screenshot on his Mac. It was the first time I’d ever seen it done, and I was amazed that a computer could capture an image of its own screen!

    Taking a screenshot of your entire screen and capturing everything that's currently visible on it is as easy as striking a few keys on your keyboard.

    1. Press Command+Shift+3.

    2. Go to the desktop to locate the PNG screenshot. It's named Screen Shot with a date and time appended.

      If you don't want to email the screenshot as a PNG file but rather in another format, such as a JPG or TIFF, you can put the screenshot through a free image converter tool.

    3. Open your email program and attach the screenshot to the email.

    How to Screenshot Only Part of the Screen

    If you know exactly what part of the screen you want to include in the screenshot, you can take the screengrab of a limited area to exclude the parts of the image you don't need.

    1. Press Command+Shift+4, which changes the cursor to a crosshair.

    2. Click and drag the crosshair over the whole area you want to include in the screenshot. As you do this, a box forms to show what your screenshot will include.

      You can release the keys when you see the crosshair appear.

    3. Release the cursor, and the screenshot of the area you selected will save to your desktop.

    Pressing Esc at any time during the screengrab will abort the whole process and not save the image to your computer.

    Tips for Taking Better Screenshots on Your Mac

    Making screenshots perfect is hard to do. You might even find that you'll have to import the screenshot into an image editor to do some fine-tuning.

    However, you can take some steps to make life a little easier when you're capturing screenshots on your Mac:

    • Look closely at the crosshair as you make the selection box to see the height and width in pixels. To make a perfect square, for example, you want these two numbers to be the same.
    • To screenshot a particular window without worrying about pixels at all, press Space right after you see the crosshair appear. Then, just click the window you want to screenshot, and the image that saves will include only that window.
    • Press Space before you finish making the selection box to allow the box to be moved. That way, you can get the dimensions you want, but then you can move the box to the specific place where you want the screenshot to be taken.
    • If you hold down Shift before finishing the selection box, you can also move the screenshot, but it will be restricted to moving horizontally only.
    • You can take a timed screenshot in Mojave if you want the screenshot to take place a few seconds from now. Perhaps what you want to screenshot can only be activated with the same keystroke for a screenshot (in other words, activating a regular screenshot would interrupt the action). You can do a timed screenshot through Command+Shift+5: click Options when you see it, and then choose a timer option. For High Sierra and older versions of Mac, open Grab and go to Capture > Timed Screen, and then click Start Timer.
    Use this handy list to reference keyboard shortcuts for Premiere Pro and even print a PDF of the keyboard shortcuts. You can also use the visual keyboard layout to customize the shortcuts and assign multiple shortcuts to a command.

    Visual keyboard layout for assigning keyboard shortcuts

    Clip it tool for mac

    You can use the keyboard GUI to see which keys have been assigned and which are available for assignment. A tool tip reveals the full command name when you hover over a key in the Keyboard layout. When you select a modifier key on the keyboard layout, the keyboard displays all the shortcuts which require that modifier. You can also press the modifier key on the hardware keyboard to achieve this result.

    When you select a key on the Keyboard Layout, you can view all the commands that are assigned to that unmodified key and all other modifier combinations.

    Screen Shot Clip Tool For Mac

    • Premiere Pro detects the keyboard hardware and the appropriate keyboard layout is displayed accordingly.
    • When Premiere Pro detects a non-supported keyboard, the default view is to display the U.S. English keyboard. By default, the Adobe Premiere Pro Default preset is displayed.
    • When you change a shortcut, the preset pop-up menu gets changed to Custom. After you make the required changes, you can choose Save As to save the customized shortcut set as a preset.
    • Keys shaded in purple are application-wide shortcuts.
    • Keys shaded in green are panel-specific shortcuts.
    • Keys shaded in both purple and green represent the panel commands that have been assigned to keys that also have an application command already assigned to them.
    • Commands can be assigned for application shortcuts and command shortcuts.
    • Application shortcuts function regardless of panel focus (with some exceptions) and panel shortcuts function only when the panel is in focus.
    • Certain keyboard shortcuts work only in specific panels. This means that you can have more than once shortcut assigned to the same key. You can also make use of the pop-up window that shows only a certain batch of panel shortcuts (for example, only for the timeline).
    • When a Panel Shortcut has the same assigned shortcut as an application Shortcut, the application shortcut does not function when that panel has focus.
    • You can search for commands in the Command List, which is filtered by the search criteria. You can also assign shortcuts by clicking in the shortcut column and tapping keys on their keyboard to create the shortcut (including adding modifiers).

    A warning indicating a shortcut conflict appears when:

    1. An application shortcut already in use by another application shortcut.
    2. A panel shortcut is already in use by another command in the same panel.
    3. A panel shortcut overrides an application shortcut when that panel has focus.

    You can also click drag to assign commands to keys on the keyboard layout or the Key modifier list.

    You can also assign shortcuts by dragging a command from the command List onto a key in the Keyboard Layout, or onto a modifier combination for the currently selected key displayed in the Key Modifier List. To assign a command to a key along with a modifier, hold down the modifiers during drag-and-drop.

    When there is a conflict with a shortcut that is already in use with another command:

    • A warning appears at the bottom of the editor
    • Undo and Clear buttons in the lower right corner are enabled.
    • The command in conflict is highlighted in blue, and clicking this automatically selects the command in the command list.
    • This allows users to easily change the assignment for the conflicting command.


    Use this instead of the 'Go To' button used in former releases.

    Many commands have keyboard shortcut equivalents, so you can complete tasks with minimal use of the mouse. You can also create or edit keyboard shortcuts.

    Clip Tool For Mac

    Project...Ctrl + Alt + NOpt + Cmd + N
    Sequence...Ctrl + NCmd + N
    BinCmd + /
    Legacy Title...Ctrl + TCmd + T
    Open Project...Ctrl + OCmd + O
    Close ProjectCtrl + Shift + WShift + Cmd + W
    CloseCtrl + WCmd + W
    SaveCtrl + SCmd + S
    Save As...Ctrl + Shift + SShift + Cmd + S
    Save a Copy...Ctrl + Alt + SOpt + Cmd + S
    Batch Capture...F6F6
    Import from Media BrowserCtrl + Alt + IOpt + Cmd + I
    Import...Ctrl + ICmd + I
    Media...Ctrl + MCmd + M
    Get Properties for
    Selection...Ctrl + Shift + HShift + Cmd + H
    ExitCtrl + QCmd + Q
    UndoCtrl + ZCmd + Z
    RedoCtrl + Shift + ZShift + Cmd + Z
    CutCtrl + XCmd + X
    CopyCtrl + CCmd + C
    PasteCtrl + VCmd + V
    Paste InsertCtrl + Shift + VShift + Cmd + V
    Paste AttributesCtrl + Alt + VOpt + Cmd + V
    ClearDeleteForward Delete
    Ripple DeleteShift + DeleteShift + Forward Delete
    DuplicateCtrl + Shift + /Shift + Cmd + /
    Select AllCtrl + ACmd + A
    Deselect AllCtrl + Shift + AShift + Cmd + A
    Find...Ctrl + FCmd + F
    Edit OriginalCtrl + ECmd + E

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Ctrl + Alt + KCmd + Opt + K
    Make Subclip...Ctrl + UCmd + U
    Audio Channels...Shift + G
    Speed/Duration...Ctrl + RCmd + R
    EnableShift + Cmd + E
    LinkCmd + L
    GroupCtrl + GCmd + G
    UngroupCtrl + Shift + GShift + Cmd + G
    Render Effects in Work
    Area/In to Out
    Match FrameFF
    Reverse Match FrameShift + RShift + R
    Add EditCtrl + KCmd + K
    Add Edit to All TracksCtrl + Shift + KShift + Cmd + K
    Trim EditShift + TCmd + T
    Extend Selected Edit to
    Apply Video TransitionCtrl + DCmd + D
    Apply Audio TransitionCtrl + Shift + DShift + Cmd + D
    Apply Default Transitions
    to Selection
    Shift + DShift + D
    Zoom In==
    Zoom Out--
    Go to Gap
    Next in SequenceShift + ;
    Previous in SequenceOpt + ;
    Snap in TimelineSS
    Mark InII
    Mark OutOO
    Mark ClipXX
    Mark Selection//
    Go to InShift + IShift + I
    Go to OutShift + OShift + O
    Clear InCtrl + Shift + IOpt + I
    Clear OutCtrl + Shift + OOpt + O
    Clear In and OutCtrl + Shift + XOpt + X
    Add MarkerMM
    Go to Next MarkerShift + MShift + M
    Go to Previous MarkerCtrl + Shift + MShift + Cmd + M
    Clear Current MarkerCtrl + Alt + MOpt + M
    Clear All MarkersCtrl + Alt + Shift + MOpt + Cmd + M
    Type Alignment
    LeftCtrl + Shift + LShift + Cmd + L
    CenterCtrl + Shift + CShift + Cmd + C
    RightCtrl + Shift + RShift + Cmd + R
    Tab Stops...Ctrl + Shift + TShift + Cmd + T
    Templates...Ctrl + JCmd + J
    Next Object AboveCtrl + Alt + ]Opt + Cmd + ]
    Next Object BelowCtrl + Alt + [Opt + Cmd + [
    Bring to FrontCtrl + Shift + ]Shift + Cmd + ]
    Bring ForwardCtrl + ]Cmd + ]
    Send to BackCtrl + Shift + [Shift + Cmd + [
    Send BackwardCtrl + [Cmd + [
    Reset Current
    Opt + Shift + 0
    Audio Clip MixerShift + 9Shift + 9
    Audio Track MixerShift + 6Shift + 6
    Effect ControlsShift + 5Shift + 5
    EffectsShift + 7Shift + 7
    Media BrowserShift + 8Shift + 8
    Program MonitorShift + 4Shift + 4
    ProjectShift + 1Shift + 1
    Source MonitorShift + 2Shift + 2
    TimelinesShift + 3Shift + 3
    Adobe Premiere Pro
    Clear Poster FrameOpt + PCmd + Shift + P
    Cut to Camera 1Ctrl + 1Cmd + 1
    Cut to Camera 2
    Ctrl + 2Cmd + 2
    Cut to Camera 3
    Ctrl + 3Cmd + 3
    Cut to Camera 4
    Ctrl + 4Cmd + 4
    Cut to Camera 5
    Ctrl + 5Cmd + 5
    Cut to Camera 6
    Ctrl + 6Cmd + 6
    Cut to Camera 7
    Ctrl + 7Cmd + 7
    Cut to Camera 8
    Ctrl + 8Cmd + 8
    Cut to Camera 9
    Ctrl + 9Cmd + 9
    Decrease Clip Volume[
    Decrease Clip Volume Many
    Shift + [
    Expand All Tracks
    Shift + =
    Export FrameCtrl + Shift + EShift + E
    Extend Next Edit To
    Extend Previous Edit To
    Shift + Q
    Selection ToolVV
    Track Select Forward ToolShift + AShift + A
    Track Select Backward ToolAA
    Ripple Edit ToolBB
    Rolling Edit ToolNN
    Rate Stretch ToolRR
    Razor ToolCC
    Slip ToolYY
    Slide ToolUU
    Pen ToolPP
    Hand ToolHH
    Zoom ToolZZ
    Show/Hide TracksCtrl + Alt + TOpt + Cmd + T
    LoopCtrl + LCmd + L
    Meter Input(s) OnlyCtrl + Shift + ICtrl + Shift + I
    Record VideoVV
    Record AudioAA
    Fast ForwardFF
    Go to In pointQQ
    Go to Out pointWW
    Step BackLeftLeft
    Step ForwardRightRight
    Remove Selected EffectBackspaceDelete
    Loop During Audio-Only PlaybackCtrl + LCmd + L
    New Custom BinCtrl +/Cmd + /
    Delete Custom ItemBackspaceDelete
    Clear SelectionBackspaceDelete
    Step BackwardLeftLeft
    Step ForwardRightRight

    Arc Tool




    Ctrl + B

    Cmd + B

    Decrease Leading by Five Units

    Alt + Shift + Down

    Opt + Shift + Down

    Decrease Leading by One Unit

    Alt + Down

    Opt + Down

    Decrease Font Size by Five Units

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Left

    Opt + Shift + Cmd + Left

    Decrease Font Size by One Unit

    Ctrl + Alt + Left

    Opt + Cmd + Left

    Ellipse Tool



    Increase Kerning by Five Units

    Alt + Shift + Right

    Opt + Shift + Right

    Increase Kerning by One Unit

    Alt + Right

    Opt + Right

    Increase Leading by Five Units

    Alt + Shift + Up

    Opt + Shift + Up

    Increase Leading by One Unit

    Alt + Up

    Opt + Up

    Increase Text Size by Five Points

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Right

    Opt + Shift + Cmd + Right

    Increase Text Size by One Point

    Ctrl + Alt + Right

    Opt + Cmd + Right

    Insert Copyright Symbol

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C

    Opt + Shift + Cmd + C

    Insert Registered Symbol

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R

    Opt + Shift + Cmd + R


    Ctrl + I

    Cmd + I

    Line Tool



    Nudge Selected Object Down by Five Pixels

    Shift + Down

    Shift + Down

    Nudge Selected Object Down by One Pixel



    Nudge Selected Object Left by Five Pixels

    Shift + Left

    Shift + Left

    Nudge Selected Object Left by One Pixel



    Nudge Selected Object Right by Five Pixels

    Shift + Right

    Shift + Right

    Nudge Selected Object Right by One Pixel



    Nudge Selected Object Up by Five Pixels

    Shift + Up

    Shift + Up

    Nudge Selected Object Up by One Pixel



    Path Type Tool

    Pen Tool



    Position Objects to Bottom Title Safe Margin

    Ctrl + Shift + D

    Shift + Cmd + D

    Position Objects to Left Title Safe Margin

    Ctrl + Shift + F

    Shift + Cmd + F

    Position Objects to Top Title Safe Margin

    Ctrl + Shift + O

    Shift + Cmd + O

    Rectangle Tool



    Rotation Tool



    Selection Tool



    Type Tool




    Ctrl + U

    Cmd + U

    Vertical Type Tool



    Wedge Tool



    Open in Source MonitorShift + OShift + O
    Select Directory ListShift + LeftShift + Left
    Select Media ListShift + RightShift + Right
    LoopCtrl + LCmd + L

    Go to Next Edit Point



    Go to Next Edit Point on Any Track

    Shift + Down

    Shift + Down

    Go to Previous Edit Point



    Go to Previous Edit Point on Any Track

    Shift + Up

    Shift + Up

    Go to Selected Clip End

    Shift + End

    Shift + End

    Go to Selected Clip Start

    Shift + Home

    Shift + Home

    Go to Sequence-Clip End



    Go to Sequence-Clip Start



    Increase Clip Volume



    Increase Clip Volume Many

    Shift + ]

    Shift + ]

    Maximize or Restore Active Frame

    Shift + `

    Shift + `

    Maximize or Restore Frame Under Cursor



    Minimize All Tracks

    Shift + -

    Shift + -

    Play Around

    Shift + K

    Shift + K

    Play In to Out

    Ctrl + Shift + Space

    Opt + K

    Play In to Out with Preroll/Postroll

    Shift + Space

    Shift + Space

    Play from Playhead to Out Point

    Ctrl + Space

    Ctrl + Space

    Play-Stop Toggle



    Reveal Nested Sequence

    Ctrl + Shift + F

    Ctrl + Shift + F

    Ripple Trim Next Edit To Playhead



    Ripple Trim Previous Edit To Playhead



    Select Camera 1



    Select Camera 2



    Select Camera 3



    Select Camera 4



    Select Camera 5



    Select Camera 6



    Select Camera 7



    Select Camera 8



    Select Camera 9



    Select Find Box

    Shift + F

    Shift + F

    Select Clip at Playhead



    Select Next Clip

    Ctrl + Down

    Cmd + Down

    Select Next Panel

    Ctrl + Shift + .

    Ctrl + Shift + .

    Select Previous Clip

    Ctrl + Up

    Cmd + Up

    Select Previous Panel

    Ctrl + Shift + ,

    Ctrl + Shift + ,

    Set Poster Frame

    Shift + P

    Cmd + P

    Shuttle Left



    Shuttle Right



    Shuttle Slow Left

    Shift + J

    Shift + J

    Shuttle Slow Right

    Shift + L

    Shift + L

    Shuttle Stop



    Step Back



    Step Back Five Frames - Units

    Shift + Left

    Shift + Left

    Step Forward



    Step Forward Five Frames - Units

    Shift + Right

    Shift + Right

    Toggle All Audio Targets

    Ctrl + 9

    Cmd + 9

    Toggle All Source Audio

    Ctrl + Alt + 9

    Opt + Cmd + 9

    Toggle All Source Video

    Ctrl + Alt + 0

    Opt + Cmd + 0

    Toggle All Video Targets

    Ctrl + 0

    Cmd + 0

    Toggle Audio During Scrubbing

    Shift + S

    Shift + S

    Toggle Control Surface Clip Mixer Mode

    Toggle Full Screen

    Ctrl + `

    Ctrl + `

    Toggle Multi-Camera View

    Shift + 0

    Shift + 0

    Toggle Trim Type

    Shift + T

    Ctrl + T

    Trim Backward

    Ctrl + Left

    Opt + Left

    Trim Backward Many

    Ctrl + Shift + Left

    Opt + Shift + Left

    Trim Forward

    Ctrl + Right

    Opt + Right

    Trim Forward Many

    Ctrl + Shift + Right

    Opt + Shift + Right

    Trim Next Edit to Playhead

    Ctrl + Alt + W

    Opt + W

    Trim Previous Edit to Playhead

    Ctrl + Alt + Q

    Opt + Q


    To use nudging for graphic layers, make sure that:

    • You have at least one layer selected (blue box) in a single graphic
    • The Program Monitor or the Essential Graphics panel is in focus
    Snap in Program MonitorShift + Ctrl + ; Shift + Cmd + ;
    Nudge Selected Object up by five framesShift + Ctrl + UpShift + Cmd + Up
    Nudge Selected Object right by five framesShift + Ctrl + RightShift + Cmd + Right
    Nudge Selected Object left by five framesShift + Ctrl + LeftShift + Cmd + Left
    Nudge Selected Object down by five framesShift + Ctrl + DownShift + Cmd + Down
    Nudge Selected Object up by one frameCtrl + UpCmd + Up
    Nudge Selected Object right by one frameCtrl + RightCmd + Right
    Nudge Selected Object left by one frameCtrl + LeftCmd + Left
    Nudge Selected Object down by one frameCtrl + DownCmd + Down
    New BinCtrl + BCmd + B
    ListCtrl + Page UpCmd + Page Up
    IconCtrl + Page DownCmd + Page Down
    Hover ScrubShift + HShift + H
    Delete Selection with OptionsCtrl + DeleteCmd + Forward Delete
    Extend Selection DownShift + DownShift + Down
    Extend Selection LeftShift + LeftShift + Left
    Extend Selection RightShift + RightShift + Right
    Extend Selection UpShift + UpShift + Up
    Move Selection DownDownDown
    Move Selection EndEndEnd
    Move Selection HomeHomeHome
    Move Selection LeftLeftLeft
    Move Selection Page DownPage DownPage Down
    Move Selection Page UpPage UpPage Up
    Move Selection RightRightRight
    Move Selection UpUpUp
    Next Column FieldTabTab
    Next Row FieldEnterReturn
    Open in Source MonitorShift + OShift + O
    Previous Column FieldShift + TabShift + Tab
    Previous Row FieldShift + EnterShift + Return
    Thumbnail Size NextShift + ]Shift + ]
    Thumbnail Size PreviousShift + [Shift + [
    Toggle ViewShift + Shift +




    Clear Selection



    Decrease Audio Tracks Height

    Alt + -

    Opt + -

    Decrease Video Tracks Height

    Ctrl + -

    Cmd + -

    Increase Audio Tracks Height

    Alt + =

    Opt + =

    Increase Video Tracks Height

    Ctrl + =

    Cmd + =

    Nudge Clip Selection Left Five Frames

    Alt + Shift + Left

    Shift + Cmd + Left

    Nudge Clip Selection Left One Frame

    Alt + Left

    Cmd + Left

    Nudge Clip Selection Right Five Frames

    Alt + Shift + Right

    Shift + Cmd + Right

    Nudge Clip Selection Right One Frame

    Alt + Right

    Cmd + Right

    Ripple Delete

    Alt + Backspace

    Opt + Delete

    Set Work Area Bar In Point

    Alt + [

    Opt + [

    Set Work Area Bar Out Point

    Alt + ]

    Opt + ]

    Show Next Screen

    Page Down

    Page Down

    Show Previous Screen

    Page Up

    Page Up

    Slide Clip Selection Left Five Frames

    Alt + Shift + ,

    Opt + Shift + ,

    Slide Clip Selection Left One Frame

    Alt + ,

    Opt + ,

    Slide Clip Selection Right Five Frames

    Alt + Shift + .

    Opt + Shift + .

    Slide Clip Selection Right One Frame

    Alt + .

    Opt + .

    Slip Clip Selection Left Five Frames

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Left

    Opt + Shift + Cmd + Left

    Slip Clip Selection Left One Frame

    Ctrl + Alt + Left

    Opt + Cmd + Left

    Slip Clip Selection Right Five Frames

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Right

    Opt + Shift + Cmd + Right

    Slip Clip Selection Right One Frame

    Ctrl + Alt + Right

    Opt + Cmd + Right

    Find the keyboard shortcuts for a tool, button, or menu command by doing any of the following:

    • For a tool or button, hold the pointer over the tool or button until its tool tip appears. If available, the keyboard shortcut appears in the tool tip after the tool description.
    • For menu commands, look for the keyboard shortcut at the right of the command.
    • For the most-used keyboard shortcuts not shown in tool tips or on menus, see the tables in this article. For a complete list of default and current shortcuts, choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Premiere Pro > Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac OS)
    • Use the search field in the Keyboard Customization dialog box to find specific commands quickly.

    You can set shortcuts to match shortcuts in other software you use. If other sets are available, you can choose them from the Set menu in the Keyboard Customization dialog box.

    1. For customizing keyboard shortcuts, choose one of the following:

      • In Windows, choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts
      • In Mac OS, choose Premiere Pro > Keyboard Shortcuts
    2. In the Keyboard Customization dialog box, choose an option from the menu:

      Displays commands found in the menu bar, organized by category.

      Displays commands associated with panels and menus.

      Displays a list of tool icons.

    3. In the Command column, view the command for which you want to create or change a shortcut. If necessary, click the triangle next to the name of a category to reveal the commands it includes.

    4. Type the shortcut you want to use for the item. The Keyboard Customization dialog box displays an alert if the shortcut you choose is already in use.

      • To erase a shortcut and return it to the command that originally had it, click Undo.
      • To jump to the command that previously had the shortcut, click Go To.
      • To simply delete the shortcut you typed, click Clear.
      • To reenter the shortcut you typed previously, click Redo.
    5. Repeat the procedure to enter as many shortcuts as you want. When you’re finished, click Save As, type a name for your Key Set, and click Save.


      The operating system reserves some commands. You cannot reassign those commands to Premiere Pro. Also, you cannot assign the plus (+) and minus (-) keys on the numeric keypad because they are necessary for entering relative timecode values. You can assign the minus (–) key on the main keyboard, however.

    Copy keyboard shortcuts from one computer to another

    Premiere Pro lets you quickly and easily sync keyboard shortcuts between computers using the Sync Settings feature. Using Sync Settings, you can upload the customized keyboard shortcuts from your computer to Creative Cloud. Then, you can sync the keyboard shortcuts from Creative Cloud to any other computer.

    For more information, see Sync settings using Adobe Creative Cloud.


    Keyboard shortcuts are synchronized for the same platform only, and not between Windows and Mac OS platforms. That is, keyboard shortcuts created for Windows only sync with a Windows computer. Mac OS keyboard shortcuts only sync with a Mac OS computer.

    You can copy your customized keyboard shortcuts from one computer to another computer, or to another location on your computer.

    1. Locate the keyboard shortcuts (.kys) file that you want to copy to another computer.

      The location of the customized keyboard shortcuts file depends on whether you've signed in to Creative Cloud Sync Settings in Premiere Pro or not.

      Signed into Creative Cloud Sync Settings

      • Win: Users[user name]DocumentsAdobePremiere Pro[version]Profile-CreativeCloud-Win
      • Mac: Users/[user name]/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Pro/[version]/Profile-CreativeCloud-/Mac/

      Signed out of Creative Cloud Sync Settings

      • Win: Users[user name]DocumentsAdobePremiere Pro[version]Profile-usernameWin
      • Mac: Users/[user name]/Documents/Adobe/Premiere Pro/[version]/Profile-username/Mac/
    2. Copy the keyboard shortcuts (.kys) file and paste into the required file location.

      To copy the keyboard shortcuts file to a location on a different computer, copy the .kys file to a removable drive, like a USB thumb drive. Then, copy the .kys file from the removable drive to the appropriate location in the new computer.

    You can assign multiple keyboard shortcuts for a single command.

    The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog displays the keyboard shortcut as an editable button, which lets you change, add multiple shortcuts, or delete shortcuts.

    Add more shortcuts

    To add more shortcuts to a command, click to the right of an existing shortcut. If there is no existing shortcut, click anywhere in the Shortcut column. A new shortcut button is created in which you can type the shortcut.

    Edit a shortcut

    To edit a shortcut, click the shortcut text in the Shortcuts column. The text is replaced with an editable button. Type the shortcut that you want to use. If the shortcut you type is already in use, an alert appears.


    Delete a shortcut

    To delete a shortcut, click 'x' in the editable shortcut button.

      • In Windows, choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts
      • In Mac OS, choose Premiere Pro > Keyboard Shortcuts
      • To remove a shortcut, select the shortcut you want to remove, and click Clear.
      • To remove a set of shortcuts, choose the key set from the Set menu and click Delete. When prompted in the warning dialog box, click Delete to confirm your choice.

    Many editors like to have a keyboard shortcuts document they can search and refer to. Premiere Pro offers a way to copy and paste keyboard shortcuts into a document, and then print. There are also pages in Help documentation that you can print, or save as a PDF.

    Whether you are copy and pasting into a document, printing a PDF, or inspecting the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box, it is important to note the available commands that are mappable to the keyboard. You can engage in a much more keyboard-driven workflow by adding new keyboard shortcuts.

    You can paste the lists of keyboard shortcuts from the Keyboard Customization dialog box into a text document, like a spreadsheet, from which you can print. The advantage of the copy and pasting method is that you can view your customized keyboard shortcuts, as well. If you select Final Cut Pro, Avid Media Composer, or Custom keyboard shortcuts, then those keyboard shortcuts are the ones that are printed.

    • Do one of the following:
      • Press Ctrl+Shift, and then choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows).
      • Press Command+Shift, and then choose Premiere Pro > Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac OS).
    • Click the Clipboard button.
    • Start a new document in a text editor, or spreadsheet program.
    • Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document.
    • Save the document and then print it out.

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